Louisiana Dredge Accident Lawyers
Handling Complex Dredging Injury Claims for Louisiana Workers
Dredging is a crucial logistical operation, enabling the deepening of ship channels and facilitating the smooth functioning of inland waterways for commercial and naval activities. Given the importance of the work involved, it’s imperative that the labor force operating these specialized vessels is kept safe or adequately compensated if injured on the job. Unfortunately, dredging falls under the highly complex maritime law, which, while protecting workers' rights, also means that vessel owners are responsible for covering lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages when accidents occur.
Trying to sort out how to pay for your medical care is virtually impossible, particularly when grappling with the physical and emotional aftermath of a dredging accident. At Clayton, Frugé & Ward, our experienced Louisiana maritime lawyers are well-versed in the complexities of this field and stand ready to help you navigate the path to recovery.
Call (225) 209-9943for a free consultation—let’s discuss your legal options for rebuilding your life.
The Dangers of Dredging Operations
Dredge ships deepen ship channels and eliminate sediment buildup to ensure unobstructed inland waterways. They employ a variety of mechanical processes—ranging from backhoes and pneumatic systems to vacuum suction—to manipulate and remove tons of fluid and debris. While these operations are undeniably important, they’re also fraught with risks. Improperly functioning equipment or unclear safety policies can lead to catastrophic outcomes.
Types of dredging accidents our team can help you recover from include:
In one harrowing incident, a dredging vessel hooked onto a gas line, causing a devastating explosion. Statistics further emphasize the grave risk involved: in a single year, out of 7 recorded dredging accidents, 3 resulted in fatalities, and 2 led to severe injuries. Given these high stakes, it’s unacceptable for vessel owners to cut corners on safety measures.
Why You Need Legal Representation After a Dredging Accident
Dredging accident injuries can be life-altering, often involving significant trauma like catastrophic crushing injuries and amputation, toxic exposure, drowning, or spinal cord injuries. These severe outcomes necessitate substantial compensation to cover not only medical expenses but also lost wages, rehabilitation, and other hidden costs.
Our law firm has a track record of achieving substantial victories for plaintiffs who have suffered life-changing injuries. We have secured over $1 billion in total verdicts and settlements, which includes the largest single-injury verdict in Louisiana’s history. If you or a loved one has been involved in a dredging accident, our results speak for themselves: we are the firm to call. Don’t hesitate to secure the legal representation you deserve to reclaim your life.
You deserve to know your options. Call (225) 209-9943 to get started today.